Using the TRACI model to improve AI prompting

Everyone has probably noticed that to get a good result from an AI model, it’s important to carefully phrase your question. A whole industry has emerged around “prompt engineering” – the art of formulating questions to an AI model as effectively as possible to get the best answer. A helpful tool for this is the so called TRACI framework. This framework suggests considering 5 aspects when formulating your question to an AI:

  1. Task: What specific job or problem do you want the AI to work on?
  2. Role: What position or perspective should the AI take when answering?
  3. Audience: Who is the AI’s response meant for?
  4. Create: What kind of output or response should the AI produce?
  5. Intent: What’s the main goal or purpose behind asking the AI to do this task?

If you clearly describe these 5 aspects in your query, you’ll likely see a significant improvement in the AI’s response. Interested in learning more about this topic. Below a link to a whitepaper by Structured Prompt.

